U know wat I hate.. I hate moving.. I mean i've moved thrice in the last 10months.. and this winter was horrible.. I couldn’t find any of my good warm clothes! I thought id lost them.. There were so many boxes all over the place.. and I dint have the time to go thru everything.. just found em ALL now.. haa haa.. and every time I had to move, it was like a day after I unpacked my last box.. so this time.. im gonna leave one box unopened.. may be that wud delay the inevitable.. its weird u know.. im the sort of person who gets used to things really quickly.. but the problem is CHANGE.. I hate thinking about moving.. or getting my room redone.. or getting the kitchen extended.. but once its done.. I don’t have a problem getting used to it..
Spent like five hours moving boxes of clothes and electronics up to my new room.. I can’t believe I have SO much stuff.. Alhamdulillah.. I shud have a yard sale.. Id be set for a month!! Haa haa..
And its not just that.. my boss decided we shud move our dental clinic out of the place where its been for the last 18 years and go somewhere new.. new clients, he says.. I don’t buy it..
Holy crap it’s hot! I was thinking of walking to the market to get a hammer and some nails.. im gonna hang my old school photos in my new room.. I thought I had lost those too.. but I found them at the bottom of my shoe-bag.. Unlike most men.. I have loadsa shoes.. I dunno.. I’m a shopaholic I guess.. it’s the same story every month.. by the last week I’m begging for time to rush by so that payday gets here! I love payday.. counting the old, stinky notes.. love the texture of that paper between my fingertips.. have u ever noticed that whatever currency we use.. the notes in our wallet are the dirtiest things in our whole house.. When a new note comes out of the mint.. it goes into circulation.. and that’s where EVERYONE gets to touch it.. I was watching this thing on TV where they took a dollar bill each from a random group of people and checked it under a microscope.. and u wanna know wat they found? They found teeny-tiny cocaine particles on every note!!
Speaking of drugs and money.. i’ve started watching this TV show called Castle.. it’s the same formula as the X-files.. a boy-girl pairing and both with different ideas and thought processes.. and that’s how they solve baffling mysteries.. But I suppose Castle is better than Undercover Stone..
So how many times have u moved during the last ten years??